Hello! This is a warning to tell that depending of what you've done, you could get a bad end from moving forward. You should save and try it anyway. If you get the bad end, you will be able to reload with some info on what went wrong :D And if you don't get it, then everything is fine!
One more thing. When you fight 1 horse, then fight another, it says that you already have 2. Also, even though the game says you have two, if you go to Ed and sell the horse(s), then it only gives you $80
Hello! I've got the issue. The max number of horse that can be captured is one, but when winning against one, the default text was 2 instead of being dynamically displayed, leading to this issue. For release 1.9 it will be fixed (dynamic display depending of the max number properly, plus increasing the max number to 3).
I am currently experiencing a bug, where if i make money from anything other than defeating enemies, like selling horses, my money count will actually go down.
This one is a known bug that is resolved by version 1.6 that will be released for everyone tomorrow (it was in private release for Patreons for the last month).
kind of interesting so far (i got to Morya) and i found some bug (2)
The first one is the 2 slime quest (the one where you get 5 slimes) if you have already caught 3 slimes and accept you will skip the camping scene when you get a 4 slime.
The second bug is that enemy's HP reset when you enter and leave a menu
I've been noticing in ine of the camping scenes, when az an wolf jump you, that they will both try to out it in your vagina, but the text says that you can't take both of them yet, is there a way to make that happen right now? or is that something that hasn't been implemented yet?
the pregnancy update is currently enabled, you have to go into settings and enable it if you haven't already, you also need to go to the third town and open the orphanage for pregnancy content to really kick off
hrmmm i like this plan you got Azla1, its intresting and reminds me of another game called degrees of lewdity or DOL, but i was able to download the game to keep playing without losing my save progress like it can do when you run in the browser for me im on an android phone the google pixel 7a, if you can make a download file for the game id much appreciate it. 😉
Hello! Thanks for the really appreciated comparison :D
About your issue, the game is already downloadable for free. Are you talking about having it in a single executable file instead of an html + an image folder?
well i looked on here and it just says run game and support the game but when i tap the support game its to pay for helping you but nothing says download. i apologize for my dumbness cause i hadnt been on itch.io for a long time but i dont see a "download now" button. i did a screen shot to show you that i dont see it.download now" button
Don't know if it is a problem possible to easily recreate, but on some of my playthroughs the horseman in Morya's fields is a softlock, as the blue text to do something simply does not appear.
I might be stupid, I used the fertility potions but every time after a scene a slime is used. Is the impregnation content not available yet or am I just missing something?
You need to enable the pregnancy system in the game options
You need to be corrupted enough to have the choice to use a slime or not (you need 1500 or more to have the choice)
If you don't have any slime, by default you won't use one and might have chances to get pregnant
In version 1.3 and 1.4, there is a bug that prevents you from getting pregnant (even if you didn't take a slime) if you are too fertile (it will be fixed in version 1.5) ; so you might need to keep a "normal" fertility (which make pregnancy chance quite random)
Some scenes don't offer you the choice (yet). Only the camping scenes (with a bug in one of them which will be fixed in v1.5 ,were it says your companion used a slime, yet you have the choice afterwards which will be what will be taken into account) and the seduced monster in the tower of gods can make you pregnant
I'm planning to make a small wiki or a walkthrough (though I have no schedule for it yet), which might help answer those questions without having to wait for me/someone to answer
this game is definitely good, it's in the same vain as young maria v2 and wasteland lewdness. not all of the pictures show up, and there is an infinite money glitch that I was able to find, mainly the issue with the sprouts and roots, if you have one last sprout and you sell all of your roots, you can actually go into the negatives, and get unlimited money, i've already gotten almost everything except the massive horse dildo. I would love to see the picture issue for the first picture, during the interaction with az fixed if possible. and the money glitch, as well as the issue with the guild rank counter, since i've been on about 20-25 quests already and all it tells me is that I have NAN completed quests, only after reloading was I able to fix the issue, over all i'll definitely be looking forward to this game as it gets completed, i've already followed your profile and i'm looking forward to the great things you'll do with this game, p.s. please expand the interaction with the horny horse in the plains, i'd love to see more content for it
I'm currently polishing version 1.4 that will resolve most of the issues you pointed out: more than 80 bug fixes, and many other problems. It will also be a huge change as many new arts will make their appearance, all drawn by an amazing artist that joined the project few weeks ago.
I hope you will enjoy it!
PS: That version 1.4 will be released before the end of October on Patreon, and it will be made public here on Itch a month later.
PS²: version 1.3 (already available on Patreon) will be public here next week :D
Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '1')
Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '1')
Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '1')
Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '1')
this is what happens when I try to go to the orphanage, on top of that i've been looking into the guild in boloyam, but the quest to open it seems to be missing, dies my character have to get pregnant o open it or something?
update: it would appear as though you need to create a brand new character to be able to get everything to work correctly, if you attempt to use save from previous versions it causes a critical arror that prevents any of the new content from coming up
There are indeed still many bugs in version 1.3, most of them are fixes in 1.4.
Regarding the orphanage and your code issues, have you played from an older save? If yes, have you tried to load the "last data patch" to make everything works from the last version of the game you played with to version 1.3?
You indeed should be able to get the quest in Boloyam guild by talking to August any in game day once you got to Boloyam in the intended way (by doing the quest where you got to encounter your first demon).
I may have a problem it says in order to rank up I need to do ten quests but it only shows the one quest which is e rank quest no other quest is shown for me so I'm a bit confused
There are currently only two E ranked quests: the tower of gods & the quest to go to the third city, Boloyam. More are planned along adventurer promotions to D rank or more in coming versions. But in version 1.2 or 1.3, there is no more of them (version 1.3 being mainly about pregnancy possibilities).
You can still repeat most of the F ranked quests to try the different versions of them depending of your choices and some of your stats (like corruption) / companions in your party. Repeatable quests appear on more or less randomly depending of your in game day. In total, there are 5 F ranked quests, 4 being repeatable.
I have encountered a small bug. When selling herbs at the alchemist if I sell all my sprouts then it also says I don't have any of the roots left to sell even when I have some in my inventory. I can sell the roots normally as long as I have at least one sprout but once I run out of sprouts I can't sell roots until I get another sprout.
This error was part of the fixes that will be release 1.3 that will be publicly published near the end of october (already published for Patreons having early release benefits).
This game's legit really well written, the Heroine is cute and sassy without being, you know. Porn game written. The porn is really good. There's some weird wordings and some errors, i assume yall speak french from the 'donjon' in the cave...a proofreader would make this writing really top quality, if you ever feel like investing in one. I mean this as a compliment btw! Well written smut from a female perspective is so rare out there!
Thank you very much for your feedback and good work about the main character story and scenes!
About the wording issues, there are indeed typo fixes ongoing in every release for the first parts of the game. While most of the "sex scenes" did pass through a proofreader, the simpler part (mainly code) did not (that was indeed a mistake).
With release 1.3, a good part of them should be removed!
I came across an error when trying to turn in results for the "strange howlings at sea quest." After inviting the character to my party, when I return to Monbourg I can speak to the guild receptionist there and let her know what happened, but don't get the reward for the quest or have it shown as completed. When I try to turn it in to the guild receptionist in Moyra, i get a "todo" note followed by this error:
Error:<<set>>:bad evaluation: assignment to undeclared variable MonbourgSeaQuest"
But the Moyra mission board states: "You have already finished this quest. Go talk to the guild receptionist to get your reward." The Monbourg mission board didn't list anything. So as of now, I'm not sure there is a way to turn in the quest.
Hey, this has been an amazing adventure so far. I just reloaded my save after the new patch and every time I try to sleep in the tavern in Morya, or fight a monster, I get a mess of code errors that kicks me out of the game and I can't progress. I'd love to get back into corrupting my character just a little more. :) I'm playing on mobile if that helps.
I've never had this issue during my tests (but I'm not testing on mobile...). What version is you save from? 1.0 ? 1.1?
If it is from a v1.0 save, I think it might be due to an issue that needed version 1.1 "Load last data patch", which is not available anymore...
I'm planning to keep for future updates the "Load last data patch" from older version so that it will be possible to load an old save without that kind of issue.
Hi, thanks for the reply. I started a new game and everything works. Must have been an issue with the old version not being compatible. Thanks again for an amazing story!
Hey, I've played through most of the content now and I'm just searching through what to can still be done. Just curious though, does Poulpette have any personalized moments in camp? I've been running around with her alone and nothing is triggering.
good game, I think I've ended the content available since I can't obtain the guild levels for beating the tower of gods. Will wait for it. If I have to suggest something is to improve the display of magic (they are too close, they'd better be in a list) and a way to see my companions and possibly have affairs with them while not int bedroom or events
In the mid-term, I'm planning to improve the fight interface. I've not yet done a draft to check, but I currently have a very pokemon fight like fight interface, which would allow the player to select its spells or attacks, items, ...
← Return to game
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In v1.7, what's the secret to defeat the Wyvern in the tower? Whatever I try, the 1st round sends me to the hospital.
Is there gonna be mermaids babies‽
Yes, it will be possible in the future :p
I'm stuck on the 2nd Alchemist quest, because the ingredients I need are guarded by "Warning: bad end hint." How am I supposed to get the leaves?
Hello! This is a warning to tell that depending of what you've done, you could get a bad end from moving forward. You should save and try it anyway. If you get the bad end, you will be able to reload with some info on what went wrong :D And if you don't get it, then everything is fine!
Thanks! I also spotted that in party management, Poulpette is listed as a dragon, not an octopog. Just thought I would let you know in case you didn't
True! I didn't catch that one. It will be fixed for version 1.8, thank you very much!
One more thing. When you fight 1 horse, then fight another, it says that you already have 2. Also, even though the game says you have two, if you go to Ed and sell the horse(s), then it only gives you $80
Hello! I've got the issue. The max number of horse that can be captured is one, but when winning against one, the default text was 2 instead of being dynamically displayed, leading to this issue. For release 1.9 it will be fixed (dynamic display depending of the max number properly, plus increasing the max number to 3).
Thanks for the bug report!
Can someone PLEASE tell me how to install as I extracted the zip file but can't find how to actually install(I'm on android)
I case you did not notice ...
This is HTML-based ... so any browser should do it ...
Edit: Once the files are extracted ...
"You got to the #%@$^%@@# bad end!
Feel free to reload your game from a previous save or begin a new game if you want to continue playing!"
I... I didn't save ... :cIm loving the game so far its good fun however im struggling to get any quests that are above f even tho i am 2 levels higher than this is that normal
Also is there a way to download the gome on mobile
there is a glitch in the slots, if you bet 50, and win 100, you only get 50 back
In morya, the F-ranked quest: Horse man spotted in the farmland is on an endless repeat, so it generates endless money.
I am currently experiencing a bug, where if i make money from anything other than defeating enemies, like selling horses, my money count will actually go down.
This one is a known bug that is resolved by version 1.6 that will be released for everyone tomorrow (it was in private release for Patreons for the last month).
Sorry for the inconvenience :D
No worries! just thought i’d do my part! : D
Please make the file downloadable
kind of interesting so far (i got to Morya) and i found some bug (2)
The first one is the 2 slime quest (the one where you get 5 slimes) if you have already caught 3 slimes and accept you will skip the camping scene when you get a 4 slime.
The second bug is that enemy's HP reset when you enter and leave a menu
How do I upgrade my guild rank I'm currently rank F and I can't fine anymore F Rank quests all I can find are E Rank
can you tell me what's the cheat code in this just for once please???
I've been noticing in ine of the camping scenes, when az an wolf jump you, that they will both try to out it in your vagina, but the text says that you can't take both of them yet, is there a way to make that happen right now? or is that something that hasn't been implemented yet?
This game is pretty good so far, one issue is the "sexy armor" is listed as $200 when the actual price is $250
Thanks for the feedback and the bug report! It is now fixed for next releases :D
When In the game can your character get pregnant by the centaur companion?
the pregnancy update is currently enabled, you have to go into settings and enable it if you haven't already, you also need to go to the third town and open the orphanage for pregnancy content to really kick off
hrmmm i like this plan you got Azla1, its intresting and reminds me of another game called degrees of lewdity or DOL, but i was able to download the game to keep playing without losing my save progress like it can do when you run in the browser for me im on an android phone the google pixel 7a, if you can make a download file for the game id much appreciate it. 😉
Hello! Thanks for the really appreciated comparison :D
About your issue, the game is already downloadable for free. Are you talking about having it in a single executable file instead of an html + an image folder?
well i looked on here and it just says run game and support the game but when i tap the support game its to pay for helping you but nothing says download. i apologize for my dumbness cause i hadnt been on itch.io for a long time but i dont see a "download now" button. i did a screen shot to show you that i dont see it.
download now" button
I see that people are downloading it (because it is available like that too), but like yourself, I cannot find how x)
Please find bellow another download link to 1.4.2 :D
Don't know if it is a problem possible to easily recreate, but on some of my playthroughs the horseman in Morya's fields is a softlock, as the blue text to do something simply does not appear.
Hello! It is indeed a bug in version 1.4 :(
It is fixed in next versions. You should still be able to progress on this quest by going in alone though!
Thanks for the answer. The solution helped, after I reencountered the bug (needed a few new playthroughs but I wanted to test it).
Oh, and since I forgot to say it two days ago:
They game is fun to play, and the porn is written nicely (at least imo as a non-native speaker).
Now that there's an artist working on the game, I assume the plan is to eventually replace all of the AI images with art drawn by the artist?
Hello, it is indeed the plan!
ok but can we have one with male protagonist
can you ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° the centaur
Yes, you can ° ͜ʖ ͡°
I might be stupid, I used the fertility potions but every time after a scene a slime is used. Is the impregnation content not available yet or am I just missing something?
There are few things that can impact those lines:
I'm planning to make a small wiki or a walkthrough (though I have no schedule for it yet), which might help answer those questions without having to wait for me/someone to answer
Got it. Thank you for the response :)
Elves have both sex parts and would like that to be a option for the character creation ^^
this game is definitely good, it's in the same vain as young maria v2 and wasteland lewdness. not all of the pictures show up, and there is an infinite money glitch that I was able to find, mainly the issue with the sprouts and roots, if you have one last sprout and you sell all of your roots, you can actually go into the negatives, and get unlimited money, i've already gotten almost everything except the massive horse dildo. I would love to see the picture issue for the first picture, during the interaction with az fixed if possible. and the money glitch, as well as the issue with the guild rank counter, since i've been on about 20-25 quests already and all it tells me is that I have NAN completed quests, only after reloading was I able to fix the issue, over all i'll definitely be looking forward to this game as it gets completed, i've already followed your profile and i'm looking forward to the great things you'll do with this game, p.s. please expand the interaction with the horny horse in the plains, i'd love to see more content for it
Thank you very much for the feedback!
I'm currently polishing version 1.4 that will resolve most of the issues you pointed out: more than 80 bug fixes, and many other problems. It will also be a huge change as many new arts will make their appearance, all drawn by an amazing artist that joined the project few weeks ago.
I hope you will enjoy it!
PS: That version 1.4 will be released before the end of October on Patreon, and it will be made public here on Itch a month later.
PS²: version 1.3 (already available on Patreon) will be public here next week :D
Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '1')
Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '1')
Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '1')
Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '1')
this is what happens when I try to go to the orphanage, on top of that i've been looking into the guild in boloyam, but the quest to open it seems to be missing, dies my character have to get pregnant o open it or something?
update: it would appear as though you need to create a brand new character to be able to get everything to work correctly, if you attempt to use save from previous versions it causes a critical arror that prevents any of the new content from coming up
There are indeed still many bugs in version 1.3, most of them are fixes in 1.4.
Regarding the orphanage and your code issues, have you played from an older save? If yes, have you tried to load the "last data patch" to make everything works from the last version of the game you played with to version 1.3?
You indeed should be able to get the quest in Boloyam guild by talking to August any in game day once you got to Boloyam in the intended way (by doing the quest where you got to encounter your first demon).
I may have a problem it says in order to rank up I need to do ten quests but it only shows the one quest which is e rank quest no other quest is shown for me so I'm a bit confused
Hello Rykerwolf !
There are currently only two E ranked quests: the tower of gods & the quest to go to the third city, Boloyam. More are planned along adventurer promotions to D rank or more in coming versions. But in version 1.2 or 1.3, there is no more of them (version 1.3 being mainly about pregnancy possibilities).
You can still repeat most of the F ranked quests to try the different versions of them depending of your choices and some of your stats (like corruption) / companions in your party. Repeatable quests appear on more or less randomly depending of your in game day. In total, there are 5 F ranked quests, 4 being repeatable.
I have encountered a small bug. When selling herbs at the alchemist if I sell all my sprouts then it also says I don't have any of the roots left to sell even when I have some in my inventory. I can sell the roots normally as long as I have at least one sprout but once I run out of sprouts I can't sell roots until I get another sprout.
This error was part of the fixes that will be release 1.3 that will be publicly published near the end of october (already published for Patreons having early release benefits).
Sorry for the inconvenience for now :(
This game's legit really well written, the Heroine is cute and sassy without being, you know. Porn game written. The porn is really good. There's some weird wordings and some errors, i assume yall speak french from the 'donjon' in the cave...a proofreader would make this writing really top quality, if you ever feel like investing in one. I mean this as a compliment btw! Well written smut from a female perspective is so rare out there!
Thank you very much for your feedback and good work about the main character story and scenes!
About the wording issues, there are indeed typo fixes ongoing in every release for the first parts of the game. While most of the "sex scenes" did pass through a proofreader, the simpler part (mainly code) did not (that was indeed a mistake).
With release 1.3, a good part of them should be removed!
one small thing, it would be nice if there could be an option to play the game in a third person narrative, otherwise its pretty good
Hello! I'm really enjoying your game so far!
I came across an error when trying to turn in results for the "strange howlings at sea quest." After inviting the character to my party, when I return to Monbourg I can speak to the guild receptionist there and let her know what happened, but don't get the reward for the quest or have it shown as completed. When I try to turn it in to the guild receptionist in Moyra, i get a "todo" note followed by this error:
Error:<<set>>:bad evaluation: assignment to undeclared variable MonbourgSeaQuest"
But the Moyra mission board states: "You have already finished this quest. Go talk to the guild receptionist to get your reward." The Monbourg mission board didn't list anything. So as of now, I'm not sure there is a way to turn in the quest.
Hello !
This error might had happen with an older save? Have you tried the sidebar menu "load last data patch" to fix it?
If that was not because of that, I will review it as soon as possible.
I love the game ^^
Hello! Thank you very much for your feedback, it is always appreciated :D
can someone tell me how to get too morya I keep getting stuck even with the map 😭
In the mountains keep going go south 2 times then keep going east west
😭🙏 holy fuck thank you sm
your welcome I would save though bc there is a not so fun supries
OH YEA IK ( 💀 I got the bad ending way to many times...)
it's not finished yet but how strong is that thing?
Thank you
When I travelled to monbourg am unable to save my progress
Hey, this has been an amazing adventure so far. I just reloaded my save after the new patch and every time I try to sleep in the tavern in Morya, or fight a monster, I get a mess of code errors that kicks me out of the game and I can't progress. I'd love to get back into corrupting my character just a little more. :) I'm playing on mobile if that helps.
I've never had this issue during my tests (but I'm not testing on mobile...). What version is you save from? 1.0 ? 1.1?
If it is from a v1.0 save, I think it might be due to an issue that needed version 1.1 "Load last data patch", which is not available anymore...
I'm planning to keep for future updates the "Load last data patch" from older version so that it will be possible to load an old save without that kind of issue.
Hi, thanks for the reply. I started a new game and everything works. Must have been an issue with the old version not being compatible. Thanks again for an amazing story!
Hey, I've played through most of the content now and I'm just searching through what to can still be done. Just curious though, does Poulpette have any personalized moments in camp? I've been running around with her alone and nothing is triggering.
Hello !
There is indeed none for now… but it is in the to do list as a priority!
good game, I think I've ended the content available since I can't obtain the guild levels for beating the tower of gods. Will wait for it. If I have to suggest something is to improve the display of magic (they are too close, they'd better be in a list) and a way to see my companions and possibly have affairs with them while not int bedroom or events
Thank you very much for your feedback :)
In the mid-term, I'm planning to improve the fight interface. I've not yet done a draft to check, but I currently have a very pokemon fight like fight interface, which would allow the player to select its spells or attacks, items, ...
Hey there, Well written game, the firts I enjoy in this kind. I wanted to ask what can I do to improve my relationship with the others
interesting premise but I accepted a mission from the board to capture three slimes and when I did I was unable to turn in the mission :(
Hello! Sorry for that :(
Are you playing on v1.2.0? When you click on your inventory, do you have the three slimes? Did you try to turn it in at the guild receptionist?
Good game so far, I can't wait for next updates!
It is quite unique in its genre and scenes are well written
got promise